
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Officially waiting!

Today we found out we have LID!
LID was on 9/5/12.
For those not familiar with adoption acronyms LID stands for Logged In Date!  This means that Ch*na has our Dossier and they have logged it in their system.  Now we are officially waiting for official approval from Ch*na to adopt Meiya!  This approval is called LOA =Letter of Acceptance.  This is the BIG wait!  This is the BIG document from Ch*na that can take several weeks to months to get. Most people travel about 3 months AFTER they get LOA!  So you can see why we are praying for a FAST LOA!  We know it is all in God's perfect timing and we are trusting in Him during our wait to see us through.  In the meantime we will continue to fund raise, nest and prepare for our new daughter!

Days waiting for LOA!
Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

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