
Monday, January 21, 2013

Medical Exam

Yesterday was Meiya's medical exam at the clinic. Let's just say it was not a pleasant experience for her or us!

The nurse was trying to get her length and was pulling her legs. Meiya's legs do not straighten and she was hurting her.  I tried to tell her that her legs do not straighten but she did not understand me.  I got our guide and had him explain to her Meiya's SN. Once he did she stopped pulling on her legs.
Then we visited the doctor who also proceeded to do the SAME thing! (FACE PALM)

What a tough day at the clinic it was! Thankful that part is over!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Day 2 She is officially ours!

I know this is a few days late but I am so off with Jet Lag and all of the running we've been doing. Tuesday, January 15th Meiya JieLin Phillis officially became our daughter! This is such an amazing feeling knowing she is legally our daughter and the adoption is final! 
After our finalization at the Civil Affairs office we went back to the hotel to rest a bit. Meiya was grieving pretty hard that day. It was very obvious that she was missing her foster family. She cried most of the day and refused to eat and just wanted to lay in her crib and be left alone.  We respected her wishes. We did try to feed her but she ate very little. It was hard seeing her grieve like that but we know it is a good thing too. No parent likes to see their child suffer in any way. Our instincts tell us to comfort them and do what ever we can to take the pain and sadness away but this is something a cuddle or kiss can fix. Time will heal her wounds this we know.

She loves her bed when she is feeling sad. She will hug her Panda Bear that we sent her for Christmas. She looks for it when she needs comforting. I think it reminds her of her foster mama since she gave it to her from us. 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Meiya Day!!!!

After nearly a year of paper chasing, waiting, praying and fundraising our time has come! We left for China on January 10th. Friends of ours were kind enough to drive us to the airport in DC. 

At Reagan International Airport
This was my very first time flying and it was also the first time for my girls. Jeff has flown many times before and he loves it. We were nervous yet excited!

Hailee and I loved our flight!
Jeff and Hannah are enjoying themselves!

We spent two days in Hong Kong. We actually did not do much site seeing as we were exhausted from the time change and the plane ride. We did see the Asia World-Expo, which was closed but we did walk around inside to get to the airport. We took a nice walk one day.

In Hong Kong we had a nice ocean view and watched HUGE ships and yachts go by all the time.

We flew to Nanning, Guangxi on January 13. This is Meiya's province and where they bring children being adopted from Guangxi.

Lots of smog as you can see. It is a very big city! The lights of the buildings are very beautiful at night!

Our "Gotcha Day" or as we call it "Meiya Day" was on Monday, January 14. I awoke at 4 am that morning in a cold sweat, nervous and worried.  My mind raced thinking about the events that were to take place that day. I thought of her foster parents and felt a deep sadness and a heaviness in my heart for them and for Meiya.  I know that they REALLY love her and took amazing care of her. I know she loves them and I just imagined how it felt when they came to take her away from the only family she has ever known. I thought about the pain her foster mama must have felt as her Yong Jie was taken from her loving arms to be seen no more. That thought haunted me! I thought about the fear Meiya had when she left her foster mama. Wondering where she was going and why wasn't mama coming? I cried thinking about all of this!  I cried out to God to comfort them and calm Meiya's fears! I asked Him to calm my nerves and asked Him to help Mieya's heart prepare for us! 

At 1 pm Jeff walked out of our hotel room into the lobby to see if he could see anyone yet because they were to bring her to our room. All at once he ran in, grabbed the camera and said "She is here!!" He hurried us out the door and started to video! We walked out into the lobby and there she was! Our beautiful Meiya JieLin. The sweet face that we had only seen in pictures and in our dreams. She was there right in front of us! 
I saw her and cried! She was even more beautiful and precious than I ever imagined! 
The social worker carried her over to us and held the album we sent Meiya in February.  She showed it to Meiya and asked her in their local dialect of Cantonese who we were and she pointed to Hannah and said "Jie Jie" she pointed to Hailee and said "Jie Jie". Oh her voice!!!! To finally here her SWEET voice was music to my ears.  She pointed to me and Meiya said "Mama". She pointed to Jeff and Meiya said "Baba". 
Then the social worker handed her to me. Meiya studied my face and smiled! I spoke softly to her and said "Wo Ai Ni". I could not believe I was finally holding my baby girl. After all this time and all the waiting the time was here and it was real! The waiting is now over and it all happened in God's PERFECT timing!

This is Mieya's social worker and Yulin SWI's Director. They were very nice and let us know that Meiya is very popular. They said she is sort of a celebrity amongst the Ayi's and foster families. She has a very outgoing and funny personality! We could tell that they both cared deeply for her.

What a great day it was and we are so very thankful to God for his provisions and blessings. Meiya is with us now and we could not ask for a better blessing!

First photo as a family of 5. No it is not the best we have blinkers as you can tell but it is still a picture we will treasure!

PS Gotcha Day video coming soon. Stay tuned!!!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

One Year Ago Today!

One year ago today our journey to Meiya began! Now we are in Hong Kong getting ready to meet our precious baby girl that we've prayed and waited for tirelessly! It is hard to believe in 48 hours she will be placed in our arms!

One year ago today THIS picture started it all!

We saw her and KNEW she was our daughter! Praise the Lord for showing her to us! Thank the Lord for getting us through this long journey!  I honestly can not imagine going through this process without Him! 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Locks of Love

For over a year now my girls have been growing their hair out to donate it to Locks of Love.  This was something they decided to after some girls in our church did it.  They loved the idea of helping another little girl who had no hair get hair!

Today was the day! We needed haircuts for Ch*na anyway so we asked our stylist and she said it was plenty long enough. Whoo-hoo!

Hannah went first!

She was excited!
Look at that length!!!

Here is her adorable, grown up Hair cut..

Then it was Hailee's turn.  She did not want hers cut as short as Hannah's.  Thankfully her hair was long enough that she still had enough length to still send in and keep it the length she wanted.
She was excited too!

Lots of length...

Finished adorable hairstyle!

Jeff and I are so proud of our sweet little girls for doing such a kind act! God has blessed us with 2 really good girls who love and care about others!