
Saturday, January 19, 2013

Day 2 She is officially ours!

I know this is a few days late but I am so off with Jet Lag and all of the running we've been doing. Tuesday, January 15th Meiya JieLin Phillis officially became our daughter! This is such an amazing feeling knowing she is legally our daughter and the adoption is final! 
After our finalization at the Civil Affairs office we went back to the hotel to rest a bit. Meiya was grieving pretty hard that day. It was very obvious that she was missing her foster family. She cried most of the day and refused to eat and just wanted to lay in her crib and be left alone.  We respected her wishes. We did try to feed her but she ate very little. It was hard seeing her grieve like that but we know it is a good thing too. No parent likes to see their child suffer in any way. Our instincts tell us to comfort them and do what ever we can to take the pain and sadness away but this is something a cuddle or kiss can fix. Time will heal her wounds this we know.

She loves her bed when she is feeling sad. She will hug her Panda Bear that we sent her for Christmas. She looks for it when she needs comforting. I think it reminds her of her foster mama since she gave it to her from us. 

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