
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

It is Fall Y'all!

I've finally came to admit it as much as I really hate to....

It is Fall!

The weather is cooler and the sky is filled with large fall clouds.  Leaves are starting to change and fall off of trees. I do not like it one bit.

For those of you who know me know I am 100% a summer girl.  I LOVE summer! I love everything about it; swimming on hot summer days, going to water slide parks, watching the kids catch fireflies, the longer days and cookouts. It is my favorite time of the year.

If I had it my way it would be summer all year round.  I always tell Jeff that I need to live someplace tropical but he quickly reminds me how much I dislike bugs and tells me how much bigger they are in tropical areas then I quickly change my mind.

BUT this year I am actually looking forward to Fall...Why you may be wondering?  Well, because as time marches by and seasons change we are getting closer and closer to Meiya.  Each passing day brings us a day closer to our precious little girl half way around this big beautiful world God created!

So I say Welcome Fall!!!  Hurry up Winter! (Yes, I just said that) We are ready to get on that big plane and travel to our daughter and bring her home.

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