These last few months with Meiya have been LOTS of Fun!
Because we have had MANY firsts with our precious girl!
The girl is a fish or a mermaid because she LOVES the water!

First Vacation Bible School
Meiya LOVED VBS! She made lots of new friends!
First time dressing up like the Princess She is!
First time photobombing!
We are SURE this won't be the last because she LOVES to have her picture taken.
The fireworks did not scare her one bit! No sir! She enjoyed them!
First time meeting Great Grandpa McDougal
She went right to him! They REALLY love each other! This warmed my heart that she got to meet my grandfather, her last great-grandparent.
First time dressing up as a Bumble Bee for the Fall Festival at our church!
She went around sticking her bottom out saying "I sting you!" Cuteness Overload!
her sisters were Belle and Leila(from Teen Beach Movie)
The first time she realized how nutty her family is!
Taken at a friends Birthday Party.
First Thanksgiving!
Ummm…...yeah we forgot to take a picture!
But she LOVED turkey & ham!
First time painting her own toenails.
So yeah this happened.
First time playing in the snow!
She is smiling here but this is BEFORE she went out into the Freezing snow. She hated it!
First Christmas…
What a magical time this was! Meiya was overwhelmed with all the pretty lights and decorations but she enjoyed all of it. She even helped decorate the tree!
First time meeting SANTA!
No she was NOT scared of him one bit!
She liked the jolly man in the red suit with the snow white beard! They were like old friends! I have a feeling he visited her in China! He gave her and her sisters each a reindeer bell!
First time putting out reindeer food!
Lots of fun but very cold outside that night.
First time waking up on Christmas morning together as a family.
She was excited. Here they are reading the letter Santa left them. He even ate the cookies they made him!
Seeing their expressions on Christmas morning always gives me the chills. Meiya was in Aww of all the presents. She at one point thought they were all for her but her sisters quickly reminded her that was not the case.
Now we will celebrate another first with Meiya today. Our first New Years EVE with her as a family.
I will take pictures!