
Monday, August 12, 2013

A Diagnosis and Some Walking!

We finally got an official diagnosis for Meiya. She was born with "severe joint deformities" according to her medical records from China. Upon meeting Meiya for the first time our pediatrician immediately suspected that she had Arthrogryposis. 

Arthrogryposis basically means curved joints. Children and adults with Arthrogryposis have limited range of motion. It is a rare, non-progressive muscle disorder that causes stiff joints. There are 4 types of Arthrogryposis. Meiya's Arthrogryposis mostly affects her knees. 

Meiya's knees are stuck in this bent position
Her knee's have calluses on them from walking on them.

This is Meiya "walking" and jumping! Yes she jumps on her knees and she gets pretty high off of the ground!

Yes I know it looks very painful especially when she jumps but she does it all the time. We try not to let her jump on them but for the video I asked her to. Someday this will all just be a memory we hope!

Last week we traveled to Shriners Hospital in Philadelphia to get Meiya's KAFO's (leg braces). 

The braces are not meant to straighten her legs but to help her get up off of her knees. We spent 5 days in Philadelphia so that Meiya could have intense Physical Therapy, at Shriners Hospital, each day. 

Meiya with her big sisters Hannah and Hailee waiting for Dr. VB to come in and give the final okay for her KAFO's.

With the help of her braces Meiya can stand and walk with a walker!

Check her out at PT last week!!!

She was so proud of herself taking those first steps on her feet! She has some trouble moving her legs but with help, physical therapy and time she will master this! We are proud of our baby girl she has come a long way.