Nine months ago today our world changed forever as we knew it. Nothing would ever be the same after that fateful day. We woke up that cold, January morning really not expecting anything. Jeff went to work that morning and drove his school bus route and did his ministry work. The girls and I did school and spent the day together enjoying a day in our pajama's. We love those days in the winter months. Later that day I did my usual routine of stalking checking the Ch*na advocate sites to see the children. Jeff and I had been praying about adopting for the last year and we felt that He was really pulling us in that direction. We prayed daily for the child we knew God had planned for us. This child was a mystery to us. Boy, girl, age? We had no clue nor did we care. We just knew God chose a child for us and this child would be revealed to us when He was ready to show us. Little did we know that He was going to show us our child that day! As I searched the Ch*na advocate sites I did not expect the surprise He had waiting for us. My heart was prepared but my brain was not. The moment I saw her my heart stopped, I felt like the world stopped. Looking at her I knew she was my daughter! "This is the child I have chosen for you!" I felt Him speaking those words in my heart. Tears immediately flowed from my eyes. I was overcome with emotion. I tried to hide it from my daughters because I was afraid they would get worried seeing me cry. I composed myself and waited for what seemed like days for Jeff to come home from his evening bus run. When he FINALLY came home I directed him to the computer and asked him to look. To be clear I had shown him other children in the past out of my own curiosity but this time it was different. This time I KNEW this child was our child. I tried not to react when he finally saw her face. As soon as he looked at her he said "There she is!" Tears filled his eyes and of course I started sobbing. He asked me how we could find out more information about her. I told him that we needed to contact the blog owner through email. We emailed her and within minutes, God bless her, she sent us her agency information. She told us that "Kalina"(this was her agency code name) was STILL available and she directed us to whom we should contact for further details. I emailed the Ch*na coordinator for "Kalina's" agency and she quickly emailed us back with her information.
This is the picture that started it all!
1 Samuel 1:27 I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of Him.
It is hard to believe that 9 months have already past since we first laid eyes on our sweet daughter. I honestly thought we'd have her in our arms by now but I know that God's timing is perfect. When He is ready for us to travel to bring her home we will. Until then we continue to pray for our sweet Meiya Lin and for our adoption process.